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First hour: Art Olivier, producer of the 9/11-truth-based Hollywood-style thriller Operation Terror, joins us to discuss his favorite research topic: freemasonry and the New World Order, symbolism and numerology division.
Art recently returned from travels during which he “drove by Stonehenge, went to the Ring of Brodgar and the Standing Stones of Stenness. We went to the Palace of Scone where the English stole the Stone of Scone which is allegedly Jacob’s Pillow and is allegedly a meteorite. The English took the stone exactly 250,000 (500 squared) days before the day Charles and Diana got engaged. William was born exactly 500 days later. 10,000 days after William was born, 2009 VA, the 3rd closest non-impacting approach of a cataloged asteroid flew by the Earth. Exactly 100,000 days before the engagement, Britain was created.”
What’s Art’s secret ingredient in those stoner scones? Do the above numbers add up? If they do, what are the odds that Art might be on to something? Mathematically-inclined listeners are invited to verify/debunk Art’s numbers.
Second hour: David “DC Dave” Martin is a leading investigator of unsolved murders, including those of Vincent Foster and Thomas Merton. In this interview we discuss Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanagh’s apparent participation in the Vince Foster murder coverup. Specifically, Kavanagh outrageously mistreated a key witness, Patrick Knowlton, whose testimony supported the case that Foster was murdered, and who produced a good description (and police sketch) of the key suspect. (Kavanagh took over as Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr’s lead investigator after the resignation in disgust of Miguel Rodriguez.)
Bottom line: Kavanagh is a “made man” of the Deep State. That, and not whatever drunken sexual assaults he may have perpetrated as a teenager, is the real reason why he shouldn’t be confirmed. Unfortunately, given the Deep State’s near-stranglehold on power, Kavanagh’s record covering up Foster’s murder will probably get him confirmed rather than rejected.
More references: Dave’s recent articles Is the Fix in for Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee? and Christopher Ruddy on Brett Kavanaugh.
Really enjoy all the interviews with Art Olivier. I think he’s really seeing things how they are (and even Kevin is finally starting to agree with Art on a few things!) One of the best guests.
Now that Art’s Youtube channel is down, is there anywhere we can see his latest ideas? Kevin, could you provide a way to contact him?
Maybe Art should start a blog? Or a weekly radio show?
Really enjoy all the interviews with Art Olivier. I think he’s really seeing things how they are (and even Kevin is finally starting to agree with Art on a few things!) One of the best guests.
Now that Art’s Youtube channel is down, is there anywhere we can see his latest ideas? Kevin, could you provide a way to contact him?
Maybe Art should start a blog? Or a weekly radio show?
(No verification if this submission was received or not, so will try again)
Would like to hear more from Art Olivier. Does he have a podcast?
A listener writes:
“My dear Prof. Barrett,
If you don’t mind i will avail myself of the opportunity to comment on a number of points, after having heard the musings of Art Olivier on your show
His assertions or perceptions that people/students really did die at Sand Hook was substantiated with very little hard evidence, the idea that actors were used for the interviews while the real suffering parents were ignored strains credulity even for someone like myself who evens seriously considers that the earth might not be a globe after all.
Redacted police reports to hide the ‘horror of the event were instead in my opinion details that they decided not to use which clearly part of the drill. It seems to me that the drill was not only the event itself which is to gauge law enforcement’s ability to respond , but also the aftermath to gauge how willing the public is to believe the narrative placed before them
The conclusions arrived by (for example) Prof. Fetzer are a result of the examination of a preponderance of evidence; one would be hard pressed to dismiss the conclusion due to one error in a mountain of evidence. i have yet to see anyone come forward to confirm that the school was a functioning school in the year(s) leading up to the fateful day or with official hospital reports confirming just where all the students were taken, or videos of the wounded or the survivors ever being taken out of the school. The changing of the law regarding autopsy photos, the flimsy if not flakey statements by the coroner, the absurd recounting of the school children arriving by bus to the older fellows house where he gave them cookies and milk is a very poorly created storyboard.
And of course the stonewalling of those who dared to ask more questions regarding details of the event. Then again we are used to that kind of strategy regarding the protection of some historical events. In the end there are so many aspects that demonstrate the absurdity of the official story, i will not bore with all of them. What is telling is ever since Nuremberg we are convinced whatever someone states to be true must be true because they said it in an official context.
Regarding the perhaps most innocuous conspiracy ‘reality’ ,the fact that a band member in an important rock group died unexpectedly and was replaced by another (reasonably close enought to be a) double is a conclusion arrived at by an avalanche of evidence.
The facial recognition investigation that was done to disprove the theory that resulted in a confirmation that these are two different ‘Pauls’
The confirmed newspaper article which confirms that Paul (1) died in a car crash in his White convertible Aston Martin (very few of those around at the time.)
The fact that Bill (Shears) Shepard virtually disappears from the public record at that time period. Previously he worked with the group as a session musician and as a double for Paul when needed.
Other ancillary evidences that might have less significance but when juxtaposed to the other compelling evidence begin to reinforce the premise
The Beatles never ever toured again after that fateful day, official reason: too much hysteria created by their live events , the Stones didn’t suffer this curtailment even though someone actually died at one of their concerts.
The first album with the supposed new Paul, with all band members sporting beards to hide any possible recognition that someone seemed to be quite different than he was before. Not to mention that the album cover theme was a funeral with many hints written right into it. A number of other Album covers told similar stories not to mention songs
as well
The noticeable change and growth of the music coming from what was a very superficial (although quite catchy and as they say ’easy to dance to’ )style of music. Due to the prowess of Shepard, an extremely accomplished musician.
The statement from Shepard’s father who said his son should get the recognition he deserves for what he managed to do, notwithstanding the pressure he was under.
The interview with Paul2’s second (ex) wife who clearly stated she had been betrayed and she went on to say ‘i do not mean adultery’ , and going on to say ‘I thought I married a man and found out I married a machine’ , concluding to state that if anything happened to her or her child that all the relevant information would be released by a third
party is probably why she is alive today along with the public perception that she was a gold digger trying to extract money from poor ole Paul and therefore lacking credibility
One could even include the fact that the Beatles had a very acrimonious break-up and never ever got together to play again notwithstanding the tremendous commercial success this would have brought them.
Ringo Star stating at his hall of fame induction ‘i am the last surviving Beatle’.
In the end if the truth came out, i wonder if most people would just shrug their heads and say, ‘wow the music was still great’. i would go as far to say if they found out the truth about the JFK/RFK/MLK/MALCX assassinations they would do the same with out the musical accompaniment. Unfortunately…
Just my opinion
VB regards
Those that are convinced that no one died at Sandy Hook made their conclusions based on the staged events after the massacre. Because many government officials and alleged parents lied, they assumes that everyone must be lying. But it is not rational to think that an official police report would be fabricated in order to undermine the official report. The fabricated stories were heavily publicized in the media while the police report was not.
Newtown Police Lieutenant Christopher Vanghele provided a typed statement on what happened at Sandy Hook. Since it was done four days after the event, parts of the statement was written to try to match the official story, but I find what he actually observed compelling as he was one of the first officers to enter the school and if his report was just fiction, he would not have added parts that make the official story highly unlikely if not entirely impossible.
Vanghele heard a dispatch state that a caller saw individuals flee the school. He saw what appeared to be a 19-year-old boy that was the size of a 12-year-old laying on his right side in a fetal position that appeared to have his hands cuffed behind his back. We are told that this boy was Adam Lanza who shot himself in the head although I find it hard to believe that he could shoot himself in the head with his hands behind his back.
The Lieutenant found a massive pile of bodies in the bathroom. He wondered how the suspect had the time to kill that many people and stack them in a corner. Stacking bodies does not match the official story of a 112 pound killer with Asperger’s syndrome as he would not have the strength to stack the bodies.
Lieutenant Vanghele never mentions seeing anyone with gunshot wounds. The six parts of the report that may describe the wounds are blacked out.
The redacted areas of the report may describe knife wounds. For example; “The boy_______________”, “I had a child with ___________”, “I saw the little boy had_____________” and “The victims on the top of the pile_________ and many of the bodies had injuries that were obviously fatal.”
The piling of the bodies and the possible knife wounds indicate that Sandy Hook was an occult ritual. I doubt if any of the victims were the kids of the laughing middle-aged parents that were on TV, rather they were more likely missing and exploited children. Certainly, the woman identified as the principal of Sandy Hook Elementary that gave an interview to the local paper after the massacre could not have been one of the adults that were killed.
Other things that suggest that it was an occult ritual are that it occurred on the anniversary of George Washington’s death from blood draining, and the school was next to the Masonic Hiram Lodge #18 at 3 Washington Ave where suspects were seen running towards. Hiram #18 is one of the oldest lodges in America as it was Chartered on January 14, 1791. Many of the Sandy Hoax players look like members of the lodge. On November 12, 2011, there was a play in Newtown titled “Buried Child” that was a fundraiser for the lodge. The play was about human suffering, incest, murder, deceit, and rebirth.
The school’s architecture was very similar to the layout of the Temple of the Feathered Serpent. Fernando Tognola from 911 truth Switzerland discovered the Sandy Hook Ley Line. If a line is drawn between the center of Stonehenge and the center of Cuicuilco, two of the oldest circular monuments on earth, it goes over Sandy Hook Elementary School. The line also goes over the north corner of the Temple of the Feathered Serpent.
10 months and 11 days after the massacre, the building was torn down “under a cloak of secrecy” according to the media. The demolition crew had to sign agreements banning them from discussing any aspect of the work. The demolition seems to be a ritual of moving into a new era. While Stonehenge and Cuicuilco are full circles, the original Sandy Hook Elementary School had a half-circle in the courtyard. The new school has a quarter-circle in the courtyard.
Newtown has a long history of occult activities and has an outpost for the Church of Satan. Some of players in the hoax are pictured giving the sign of the Baphomet
Fairfield Hills State Hospital for the criminally insane was in Newtown. Their treatments included electro-shock therapy and frontal lobotomies. Fairfield Hills has thousands of feet of tunnels that were sealed by the Town of Newtown in 2009. According to Gene Rosen’s own website that was created in 2004, Gene is a retired psychologist who worked several years at Fairfield Hills. In the past, Gene also has been involved in community theater and Public Access Television and reads to elementary school children.
Sandy Hook has some similarities to Columbine. The cafeteria where the Columbine shooting occurred is orientated on the Yuma-DIA Ley Line. If a line is projected from the pyramid on top of the Yavapai College Sedona Center to the center of Desert Mesa Elementary School’s courtyard in Yuma, it goes to the Denver International Airport which has massive underground facilities to the Southwestern School on the southwestern part of the line. The airport has a capstone dedicated by the Masons and murals of dead children. The Columbine police report has dozens of witnesses that positively identified the shooters who were arrested and released without charges. Those boys were well known Satanists. Like the Sandy Hook suspect, the official Columbine suspects were shot in the head.